To understand the spiritual warfare that is going on today, we need to understand where Satan came from, and the motive of his coming.
The bible have already revealed to us that, "The devil cometh but to steal, kill and to destroy. And one of the major ways through which he achieves this three major objective is through his weapons of deception.
* Deception means to deceive someone into taking a contrary action or steps
* Deception means to be deceived or to be negatively diverted from your primary steps or focus.
* Deception is a spiritual or physical manipulation of the heart and mind into taking a negative step or action.
* Deception is to lure someone unto changing his profitable decision into an unprofitable one.
However, deception can be defined in many ways, but the the three main gateways of deception are:
* Your brain
* Your mind
* Your spirit
The primary originator of deception is Satan and that was why the Bible described him as the father of all liers this is because deception is all about luring someone into taking a negative steps through a well conceived or concentrated lies. It therefore becomes very neccesary for us to know that deception originated from the devil and at the realms of the heavenly and spread unto other realms.
Like I have mentioned in the earlier stage, that deception originated from the devil at the realms of the heaven and spread unto other realms. Therefore the realms of deception are:-
* The realm of the heaven
* The realm of the earth
* The realm of the sea or waters
* The realm of the spirit
It has become very important for us to begin to reveal some certain deep spiritual secrets unto the fore knowledge of mankind through the unctions of the holy spirit for the purpose of human Liberation. There are three spiritual realms that is existing in the heaven, namely:
* The first heaven
* The second heaven
* The third heaven
1) The realm of the third heaven, is the dwelling place of the Almighty God
2) The realm of the second heaven is the abode of Satan an his four major principalities
3) The realm of the first heaven is the dwelling place of some satanic wicked spirits and demonic agents.
Therefore, the primary origin of deception, started from the very first day when satan, who eventually was one of the three Arch angels succesfully convinced the 1/3 of the host of heaven unto rebelling against God and against his kingdom. And the after effects of this was the revolution which lead to their defeat and casting down unto the earth, thereby by making this host of heaven who fought alongside with him the first victims of his deception."And there was war in heaven: Micheal and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels. And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth and his angels were cast out with him. (Revelation 12: 7-9)
Having failed to perfect his plans In heaven, and also having been chased down to the earth, Satan transfered the aggression of his defeat to the woman and to her seed. ' Rejoice ye heavens and they that dwelleth in them. Woe to the inhabitters of the earth and of the sea! For the devil is come unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but s short time. And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman which brought forth the man child (Revelation 12:12-13)
Therefore, the primary origin of deception on the face of the Earth was recorded to be in the Garden of Eden were satan once again did deceive Adam and Eve unto violating divine instructions giving to them by God.
" Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which God has made. And he said unto the woman, yea, had God said Ye shall not eat of every three of the garden? And the woman said unto the serpent, we may eat of the fruites of the trees of the garden: But of the fruite of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die. And the serpent said unto the woman ye shall not surely die. For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall surely be opened. And ye shall be as gods, knowing god and evil. (Genesis 3:1-5)
The event in the above scripture was the Origin of manipulation and deception on the Earth and this was how the devil manipulated man into loosing his authority in both the garden of edem and on the Earth and ever since then the devil have continued to insight man against God using his deceptive powers to exercise control over man and the Earth.
The Bible made to understand that the Earth is of the Lord and it fullness there of, the world and they that dwelleth therein. ( Psalm 24:1 ) But in the contrary the devil have continued to deceive men unto believing that the Earth and everything on it belongs to him, thereby luring many to his side and to his destructive kingdom, which is the eternal lake of fire. In carrying this impersonating bost, he also tried into convincing Jesus that the Earth Was handed over to him to exercise Dominion and control.
But the question here is: who handed over the earth to the devil ?
The Earth was originally handed over to the man to inhabit, to populate, to subdue, and to excercise control " So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him: Male and Female created he them. And God blessed them and God said unto them. Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth, and subdue it and have Dominion over the fish of the sea and and the fowls of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth. ( Genesis 1:27-28 ).
The above scriputures clearly reaffirmed the agreement between man and God over the control of the earth. But Satan through his deceptive nature have gradually pushed man aside from the throne of control to the position of a mere ordinary subject, infact this is the height of deception. Satan has so manipulated many into believing that he is the god and ruler of this earth and today many have choosed to be worshiping him as god. It is this manipulation of his deceptive powers that gave room to the establishment of what is today known as " The Church of Satan " where people worship this beast as their God, all for the sake of material wealth, money and power. Thereby populating his kingdom of hell fire through lies and deceits.
Another very strong realm were deception takes place is the realm called "the realm of the waters", this is another very powerful realm where alot of deceptive activities takes place.
The realm of the water is being controlled by another powerful satanic agent known as the queen of the coast. The queen of the coast is the deity that is in control of the Marine kingdom and all that dwell there in, such as other water demons known as the marine or mermaid spirits.
The queen of the coast dwell amidst the big seas and oceans while as her lesser spirits such as the mermaid controls the smaller rivers.
The network of the queen of the coast is been spread all over the world through her subjects such as the marine or mermaid spirits and other human agents that has been recruited through their deceptive mechanism and process which in most cases takes place through initiation, covenants or evil bargain.
In other to further bring man under subjugation and evil control, Satan through this evil deity have continued to exercise predominant power over man and his earth. We must not also forget on a hurry that the entire Earth was once the territory of the waters not until when God decided to put s very clear demacation between them through what is called the gathering of the waters and the saperation of the waters from the waters. ( see Gen. 1:1-10 )
Spiritual mapping and surveys that have been carried out in so many parts of the world have clearly reveled that there are lots of human beings out there both male and female who are have been recruited as marine agents either through initiation or through generational covenant and many are still been recruited via deception.
But the most unfortunate aspect of this deception is the fact that even the church, which suppose to be a channel of salvation, is also gradually yielding to this deception and destructive trap of the Marine powers, through desperate urge for power, prophetic gift, healling gift and miracle powers and money.
There are many pastors, ministers, bishops, prophets, overseer of churches who have yielded to the deceptive powers of this water spirit just for the purpose of acquiring fake spiritual powers and gifts through this spirits, and with this many have succeeded in leading their members and entire congregation into bondage and evil covenant just for selfish purposes.
There is another supernatural realm known as the realm of the spirit or the spiritual realm were almost all the physical action of a man is being regulated and perfected. We are meant to understand that the spiritual realm controls the physical ream, infact nothing can take place physically without first and foremost taking place on the spirit realm. Thereby making the ream of the spirit the realm of control.
Deception in the realm of the spirit takes place through manipulative processes using evil powers or medium to divert and control ones thought, reasoning and action.
In most cases spiritual deception can take place through demonization, possesions , control and through the hearing of strange voices. And once this happens a man will no longer be in control of his will, emotions, reasoning and speech.
This kind of deception can also take place either conciously or unconciouly this is because you are subject to who so ever you submit unto.
Deception is the most effective strategy of Satan and members of his satanic network. This is because when you are deceived, you are made to understand that what you believed is true. Because man is surrounded with alot of insecurity he is therefore constantly seeking for things that are secure and dependable. This therefore makes him susceptible to any voice that speaks with great confidence and and sincerity.
As such Satan has developed many approaches of this nature and the more, through deception, the deeper you go the the deeper he tend to overwhelm you with the conviction for which his lies are held.
Moreover, Satan prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour through his deception. It doesn't matter to him wether you are a Christian or an unbeliever the moment you yield to his lies you will eventually become his victim of deception and you end shall be the lake of fire that has been prepared for Satan and all his agents.
About the author:
Hyginus John Ogu:
A Pasto and a Deliverance Minister,
He is also a graduate of :
The Institute of spirtual warfare (INSWAR)
* He is a Christian Counsellor
* He is a teacher of the Gospel
* He is a preacher
* He is a menthor.
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