The Bible made it very clear to all in the book of Proverbs 14:12, " There is a way which seemeth right unto a man but the end thereof are the ways of death". And also the scripture has this to say in the book of Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all thy heart and lean not unto thy own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy path."
With the above scriputures, we must understand that the divine position for our life is that what ever path we chooses to follow in our life journey it has become very mandatory that God must be involved in every of our decision making processes and for our journey's to be successful He must be the anchor man behind the move and also behind every other steps we wish to make further, other wise we are bound to bear the consequences of our actions and inactions This also mean that we must endeavour to
sincerely involve God in every of our steps concerning our marriages and life styles this is because he is the one who instituted the sacrament of holy matrimony through the joining of Adam and Eve in the first ever instituted Holy Wedlock. And since then, the position of God have not shifted in this regard and that is why many marriages today are ending up with a terrible disaster. Therefore confirming the scripture that said " There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof is a way of death.
The Bible recorded it that the advent wrong marriages started from the beginning of time following the decision of men to disregard divine instructions, that was when men decided to be doing things according to the leading of there own understanding and knowledge. The book of Genesis Chapter 6:4 have this to say in this regard. " There were Giants in the Earth in those those days and also after, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them and the same became mighty men which where of old men of renown."
For the sake of this message it will be very important for us to understand whom the sons of God in the above context represent and who they are.
They are those spiritual enties known as fallen angels that were cast down together with Satan following their rebellion in heaven, and because there union with the daughters of men was not in agreement with the plans of God for Mankind, He saw it as a polluted marriage. And He therefore commenced a transition to wipe off the first evil and ungodly generation created by Him and presarved only the generation of Noah under a new covenant, yet this action of His did not bring to an end the ungodly marital relationship between men, the daughters of men and all forms of spiritual personalities which is incusive of marriage with serpentine Spirits.
The problems of spiritual marriages is one of the greatest problem which dominated most societies of the world, this problem is not restricted to only the white race nor to only the black race, it is indeed a universal problem that has defiled all sorts of human solutions. This problem has for a long time suffered terrible spiritual neglect due to the ignorance towards it destructive tendencies. Many people today, are grappled with bizarre dream experiences which they have continued to conceal to them selves alone and have since remained under bondages because they have no solution to their problem.
Evil spiritual marrisges are real and many of those who are today suffering under this yoke are yeaning for solution which will bring an end to their bondage. You do not need to have to remain in bondage, you do not have to continually carry the burden which spiritual marriage has forced upon you. It is possible to overcome, destroy and to paralyse all wicked spiritual spouses or husband's.
The knowledge of the subject of spiritual marriage is so important because it will go a long way in helping towards guiding our steps in marriages, because this will aswel help in making a difference between failures and successes in our marriages. The subject and the knowledge of spiritual marriages have long been neglected thus making many Christians to become casualties of spiritual warfare and victims of failed marriages.
This is because once a spiritual marriage is in place evil forces will begin to nullify your prayers, because they will always tender evil onevidences against you in the realm of the spirit.
The battle of spiritual marriage is the battle of internal enemies and there is no battle that is as difficult as fighting the enemy within.
Every battle that has to do with spiritual wife or husband is a direct flight with the devil himselve. This is because the evil personality you have choosed to marry is an authorised agent of Lucifer himself and his primary interest in your life is to continue his mission against man so that your destiny can be frustrated through an un godly marital arrangements.
The book of Isiah 49: 24-26 have this to say concerning this battle " Shall the prey be taking from the mighty, or the lawful captive delivered ? But thus saith the lord even the captives of the mighty shall be taking away and the prey of the terrible shall be delivered: For I will contend with he that contendeth with thee and I will save thy children." With this scripture it is now very clear to us that in the battle of spiritual marriages your children are not spared they are also victims.
I want to make it very clear to us that in this battle, some captives deserve the bondage in which they find themselves, hence the devil has the right to keep then in perpetual captivity, this is because such people are responsible for their been in bondage. The book of Eclesiates 10:8 has this warning to give." He that breaketh the hedge the Serpent shall bite him." Thereby warning us to be careful in our steps and decisions before going into marital relationships. This is because many people went into this captivity through the violation of God's commandment.
Marriage with spiritual personalities can be contracted through diverse kinds of relationships, associations or ungodly conducts such as the following:
* Committing of immorality
* Through prostitution
* Through tradional or cultural right of protection
* Through cultural dances
* Through polluted dreams
* Through Marine covenant
* Through spiritually polluted food
* Through family covenant
* Through spiritual baths in the river
* Through family idols
* Through evil transfers and handing over
* Through sexual lusts and desires.
We must understand that some marriages were instituted by God, while some are by men and many were instituted by the devil himself.
Therefore the only way we can be free from every form of satanic marriage is when we are able to perfect the following:-
* Call upon God's intervention in such marriages
* Pray serious and violent prayers
* Renounse such marriages
* Destroy the covenant that established them
* Set their kingdom ablaze
* Destroy all spiritual marriage materials that was used to bind such marriages
* Destroy all the spiritual covenant that are associated to such marriage
* Destroy all the evil link that has joined you to such marriages
* Go for deliverance
* Begin to live a holy and s Godly life
* Close all their entry routes
* Become a serious prayer warrior.
1. Every spiritual spouses in my life, I command you to die in the name of Jesus
2. Every spiritual marriage certificate binding me to any ungodly mariage, catch fire in the name of Jesus
3. Every spiritual marriage covenant in my life , break now in the name of Jesus
4. Serpents in my marriage I command you to die now, in the name of Jesus.
5. Oh God my father if I am responsible for my marital problems, forgive me and deliver me by fire , in the mighty Name of Jesus.
My prayer for every one that is reading this message now whose marriage is under manipulation by any form of spiritual entity I decree into that marriage now, to receive transformation in the mighty name of Jesus , Amen.
If you have been touched or blessed by this message kindly follow me on any or all of my blogs or social media pages for more inspirational and deliverance messages from me. John Oguh
Twitter: oguh_john
Linknden: Hyginus John Oguh
Wassap: +234-8055414610
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