Text: Psalm 104:4: Who maketh his angels spirits, his ministers flame fire: Hebrews: 1:13-14: But to which of the angels said he at any times, sit on my right hand untill I make your enemies your foot stool? Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation
However, the Bible mentioned many activities of spirit beings which include angels, demons and Satan. It is how ever very important for us to have a deep knowledge of the spiritual world, this is because the spiritual realm controls the physical realm.
However, I am of the believe that the mystery, activities, agenda, functions and God's uselfulness of this creatures are yet to be fully unveiled to mankind.
What Are Angels ?
The Bible gave us different views about the nature and attributes of angels such as:-
* Ministering spirits
* Messangers of God
* Creatures created to continually worship and praise God
* The host of heavens etc.
Do Angels Have Names ?
The bible used various names and terms to describe this heavenly creatures, such as:
* The angel of the Lord ( judges 13:17-18)
* Gabriel ( Daniel 18:15-17)
* Ministers ( Psalm 103:20-21)
* Host ( Joshua 5:14 )
* Chariots ( Zech. 6:5 )
* Watchers (Dan. 4:13 & 17 )
* Sons of the mighty God (Psalm 29:1)
* Sons of God (Gen: 6:2 & 4)
* Holy ones and saints ( Psalm 89:7)
* Angels of light, ( 2 corith 11:14 )
* Angels of the churches ( Rev. 1:20 )
* Cherubims ( Gen. 3:24 )
* Chief prince ( Dan. 10:13 )
* Devils angels ( Mathew: 25:41 )
* Evil Angels ( Psalm78:49 )
* Guardian angels ( Mathew 18:10 )
* Seraphim etc
What Are The Attributes Of Angels ?
However before we can understand who fallen angels are we must first and foremost understand the attributes of angels, which is inclusive of the followings:
1) Angels act as the Messengers of God
2) Angels are divine creatures
3) Angels are everlasting but not eternal
4) Angels are spirits
5) Angels are powerful
6) Angels are personal beings
7) Angels are intelligent
8) Angels have emotion
9) Angels have feelings
10) Angels are wise
11) Angels can not marry
12) Angels can fly
13) Angels are uncountable
14) Angel can appear in diverse forms
15) Angel can speak all manner of languages
16) Angels are divine watchers watching over God's children.
Hard Facts About Angels.
* They are God's messangers
* They were created to serve God
* They Excel both in strenght and power
* They are invisible to natural eyes
* They are of two kinds namely :-
The holy angel &
The unholy angel
* They cannot repent
* Fallen angels appear to people as spirit husband's and spirit wife's
* They can not pleadpleas the blood of jesus
* They can appear and disappear
* Christian are not to pray to them
* Angels are not demons
* Angels have heirachies
The Dark Angels
The dark angels are also known as the fallen angels, and they are the spirits who worked hard to help Satan to fulfill his evil purpose against the throne of God
What Are Their Major Activities
* To oppose Gods Angels
* To work through false teachers
* They work through false prophets
* They try to saperat believers from God
* They oppose Christ and the church
* They do evil to humans
* They lure men to sin.
* They accuse believers before God.
Thanks and for further readings, kindly visit the following website:
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