The Bible recorded the mysteries behind the powers of the water right from the book of Genesis through to the book of Revelation. God has through the various books of the scripture demonstrated his mighty Authority through the powers of the water and He has also In various circumstances used the power of the water to demonstrate his miracles to mankind.
The Bible have this to say concerning the powers of the water and it origin.
According to the book of: Genesis 1:1-10 it was written that "in the beginning, God created the heaven and the Earth. And the Earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. And God called the light day, and the darkness he called night. And the evening and the night were the first day. And God said, let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. And God made the firmament, and divide the waters which were under the firmament, from the waters which were above the firmament and God called the firmanent heaven...................And God said said let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so. And God Called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he seas: and God saw that it was good."
There are many lessons to learn from the above scripture such as:
* That the spirit of God can dwell or hover around the water
* That water existed before mankind
* That there is water above the Earth, on the Earth and beneath the Earth
* That every thing emanated from the water
* That water is the oldest creature.
The book of Psalm 24:1-2 made it very clear to us that the Earth was formed upon the water.
And the book of Psalm 136:6 has this to say " To him that stretched out the Earth above the waters: for his Mercy endureth for ever." This scripture clearly revealed to us previous dorminant power of the water over the earth. Infact it was the mercy of God that liberated the Earth from the grip of the waters.
From the passages of the scriputure we have just read, it has been revealed that God has equipt water with great supernatural powers. Though water may appear ordinary but the moment the power and the spirit of the Almighty creator possess the water, it will highly be capable of doing wonders in every area of human endeavour. Such as:
* Super natural deliverance
* Divine protection
* Yoke breaking
* Sanctification
* Divine purification
* Divine healling
* And as a divine weapons of warfare
Water is one force that is capable of absorbing the powers of God. And when it exercises this function, great things will begin to manifest, under this condition it even have the capacity to become a terrifying force to the kingdom of darkness.
When water receives divine command, it wil even sink, collapse and cripple the works of evil forces that are manipulating your life. When water encounters the raw power of God, it will become a weapon that will destroy the weapons and the kingdom of your enemies.
According to the book of Exodus 14: 21-28 "And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the Lord caused the sea to go back by a strong easth wind all that night, and made the sea a dry land and the waters were divided. And the children of God went into the midst of the sea upon the dry ground: and the waters were a wall unto them on their right hand, and on their left.
From the above scripture we can see clearly how the powers behind the Red sea parted ways by the power of the word of God through the authority given to Moses there by turning a mighty sea unto a dry land in a twinkle of an eyes. This clearly revels the ability of water to submitting to the supernatural powers of God.
This further went ahead to Comfirm the scripture that said " The voice of the Lord is upon the waters: the God of Glory thundereth: the Lord is upon many waters" (Psalm 29:3:)
The Bible also made us to understand how pharoah formed alliance with the forces of the Nile to enable him to acquire the powers that will help him to exercise total control over his subjects, and as such this makes him to visit the bank of the river every morning to enable him to worship the powers of the river. But God decided to disgrace the powers behind river Nile through the rod of Moses. " And God said unto Moses, rise up early in the morning, and stand before pharoah; lo, he cometh forth to the water; and say unto him, Thus saith the Lord, let my people go, that they may serve me." And the outcome of this encounters between Moses and pharoah had a significant negative effect upon the Nile.
Let us consider some certain deep truths concerning water and it's supernatural powers, and this facts will help us to discern some deep secrets that are associated to water and it mysterious powers, Such as the following facts:
1) Water can not be avoided by any living creature
2) Water constitutes as one of the most abundant resources on Earth
3) Every one have access to water
4) Water is vital for all forms of living beings
5) Water is the only natural substance that comes in three states namely:
* Liquid
* Solid
* Gas
6) Water is indispensable
7) 70% of human body is made up of water
8) Water is Life
9) What has alot of spiritual properties (John 3:5)
10) Water obeys the word of God (Ephesians 5:26:)
11) Water speaks of purification (1Thessalonians 3:13:)
12) Water communicates healing powers of God.
The healing power of God can be demonstrated through the agency of water, we saw what happens in the old testament where Elisha demonstrated this power by smiting the Jordan with the garment of his master and the river parted ways for him to pass. (2 kings2:8 & 14)
The mysteries behind the healing power of water came to manifestations right from the old testament where God demonstrated such powers through his anointed prophet, examples of such instances are:
1) The healing of the land of Jericho by Elisha
2) The healing of the leprosy of Naaman by Elisha.
Unlike what happened in the healing of the land of Jericho, in the attempt for Elisha to demonstrate the healing power of God through the power of River Jordan he asked Naaman to go and deep himself into the Jordan for Seven times. This instruction looks stupid before Namaan who in reaction querried the supremacy of River Jordan over River Abana and Phapar in Damascus.
However when he eventually yielded to the instruction according to the instruction of the man of God, his leprosy parted ways to the word of God by the power of God in River Jordan .
When we also recall the incidence that occurred in the pool of Bethesda we will see a very clear demonstrations of the power of God through his invisible Spirits that comes from time to stir up the pool so that the healing power of God can be deposited inside the water.
The above is a reminder to the fact that
1) The healing power of God can be deposited inside the water
2) Healing virtue can be kept inside the water supernaturally
3) Jesus used his Saliva (water) to heal some one of his blindness
4) Water can respond to the word of God
* The anointed water speaks woe unto sturborn internal infirmities
* It has the power to attack blood demons
* It can attack the internal eaters of flesh and drinkers of blood
* It help to inject spiritual remedies into the body
* It paralyses internal evil parasites
* It helps to neutralyze concious and unconscious poison in the body
* It breaks internal yokes
* It gives you fortifications against the arrows of sickness
* It helps to evacuate evil and satanic lugages in the body
* It helps to revive dead internal organs
* It helps to give both Spiritual and physical protections.
* It helps to cancel all forms of negative and spiritual prophecy.
You can invoke the power of God inside the water using the following scriptures:
* Psalm 88: 1- End x 19 times
* Psalm 19 :1- End x 3 times
* Psalm 35 :1- End x 3 times
* Psalm 109:1-End x 3 times
* Psalm 79 :1-End x3 times
* Psalm 100:1-End x3 times
* Psalm 28 :1-End x3 times
In conclusion water has been endowed with alot of physical and spiritual powers which are indeed beyond human knowledge and immagination. And as such it posses alot of power which can be used either for good or for evil purposes.
For further readings from this author you can visit this sites: John oguh
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