It is an undisputed fact to affirm that the activities of the Marine kingdom have a significant influence upon the overall activities of the human race and living in the face of the Earth.
Although they have their kingdom inside the oceans, rivers, streams, but yet they still make significant impact on the activities of the Earth, i must confess that virtually every family in the face of the Earth has in one way or the order suffered from the venom and poison of this wicked powers.
Permit me to say that ''what is planned and executed in the Marine world have continued to have gross negative effect on the civilization, development, community life style, business growth, education, marital relationship, families and socio economic growth of the entire human kingdom.
Beside, many of us today have continued to suffer from this negative syndrum due to our ignorance concerning their existence and operations.
For the fact that you have family members, relatives, friends, acquintances and neighbours who are prone to Marine attack, should at least stir up your anxiety as to probe deeply on their evil activities. This evil forces of darkness are happier when their under water activities and strategies are been conceiled from their victims. They are against any one identifying or keeping a track on their operations.
The greatest desire of the evil forces is to ensure that their victims are multiplied and also to increase their activities without any form of human interventions. They also engage the activities of some human spirit agents whom they have subjugated, trained, mobilized and empowered to carry out the orders of the Marine Lord's and spirits and as such extending their stronghold beyond the realm of the waters.
There is no doubt to the claim that the water spirits have carefully selected some human personality as their agent here on Earth in order to enable them to facilitate their wicked operations. The human agents help them to transfer the reality of the demonic kingdom into the physical realm, therefore making that which takes place in the physical a proportionate to the happenings in the spiritual realm
The worst of this all is that most of the calamities which most of the global average citizens are experiencing are traceable to the fact and reality that most of the world leaders have entered into convenant with this dark powers which have inturn affected their subjects and the economy of their nation's. Unfortunately the presence of this wicked forces have continued to dominate major key sectors of human operations, thereby living destructive signs and evidences where ever their presences is registered.
Water is one of the noteable divine inventions and the presence of water can be felt in every sphere of human endeavour, infact water is visible every where and was one of the first thing that God created. Infact the Bible made us to understand that water and the Earth where once in unity before God liberated the Earth from the water. But ever since then, the spirit of water never wanted to let the Earth go thus leading to the struggle of control between the water and the Earth. It is also partinent to note that 70% of human body is made up of water and that is why the water spirit is in dare need to re-subjugate the Earth and mankind.
The only weapon of victory in the battle between man and the Marine powers is the weapon of deliverance and prayers aside from this weapon no carnal or physical stronghold can stand the operations of this wicked forces. The Bible recall that our "weapons of warfare are not carnal but mighty towards the pulling down of stronghold"
And also the book of Ephesians 6:10-12 have this to say " That we wrestle not against flesh and blood. but against principalities, against powers and against spiritual host of wickedness in the heavenly places."
Therefore the kind of prayers that will give you liberation to this kind of bondages is not a mechanical prayer but rather a concentrated and a heavenly geared kind of prayers. Their are people today whom God have destined for success in their careers but the operations of the water spirits and forces have drastically limited their life to a zero level.
So is many marriages, businesses, many kingdoms, many families, and many nation's. Therefore serious deliverance prayers to this effect is the only way out from this negative and ungodly bondages.
Hyginus John Oguh
Is A Deliverance Pastor And International Christian Counsellor
He is also an Expert Business And Affiliate Marketing Consultant.
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