One thing we must understand as the genuine children of God is this, that the infirmities of our spirit will always affect our relationship withGod. You may be sick physical and still have a great communion with God and relate normally with him.
Like the case of Job whom the devil afflicted his body yet he hard a smooth communication with the father, but when you are sick spiritually God will flee from you.
I have also discovered the possibility of serving God when we are emotionally sick but one of the widest spread of spiritual diesease that has became very rampant among Christian’s is the diesease called ” Diabolical Sickness And Offenses”
Diabolical Sickness and offenses is extremely contagious and also life threatening- especially endangering the spiritual life of the children of God
In the book of: 2Timothy 2:23-26, the Bible declared ” Don’t have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know that they produce quarrels. And the Lord servants must not quarrel; instead, he must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful. Those who oppose him he must gently instruct, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth, and that they will come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will..
In the above scripture apostle Paul emphasised about dangerous trap to those who are bound to go into ARGUEMENT with men who have foolish and evil reasoning, but today how many men have actually realize the folly of their ways?
The scripture above was able to picture out a kind of hostility that is bound to arise from the snares of argument. It spoke of people going into captivity through this snare and their chances of gaining freedom has became very slim.
In this days and age we are much to accustomed to hearing of bodies found in a shallow grave. It is hard to remain encourage when we hear in the media daily of number of persons declared missing and the same is true when Satan decide to set trap for God’s children.
We must understand that no one falls into the trap of Satan with a clear eyes, he or she must be lured into it. Satan baites his trap to the entice the un suspecting victim, we must understand that every fisherman has his favourite strategy of luring the fish into his trap.
In his un relented effort to ensnare the Christian’s, the devil will do everything possible to drag the children of God to his net using all manner of evil strategies, such as:
* The snare of lust
* The snare of sex
* The snare of political power
” The snare of money
* The snare fame
* The snare of Academic knowledge
* The snare of food
* The snare of arguement
* The snare of offenses
* The snare of protection and diabolic powers
The plan and purpose of Satan for using all this snares against you is to have an absolute control over you for a period of time. And if his plans fails he will try afflicting you with all manner of trials just to bring you into subjection and as a Christian we must resist this at all cost.
In Luke 17:1 Jesus declared to his disciples “Then said he unto his disciples, it is impossible but that offence will come: but woe unto him, through whom they come. However the Greek word for offenses is the word skandalom – a part of a trap that was attached to the BAITE in other words the hook.
However, Jesus said it is impossible but that offenses will come; that they will always arrive. Therefore it is useless pretentending that you will get through life offending no one or no one offending you, offenses must always come but the question is what will you do when it occurs?
As a pastor I have dealth with people who are disgruntled and upset, even with those who disagree over our doctrines and decision and so do many other men of God. Jesus never sinned yet the apostle found fault in him. Peter denied knowing him, Judas choosed to betray him and some of them abandoned him in his time of need.
In many churches today, the level of offenses are on a serious increase to the extent that some time you will see a mega church suddenly reduce drastically with the majority of the members changing churches, and in most cases the complain will be that the pastor offended the congregation through his ministerations or one thing or another viz aviz in small churches also. And this trend has deeply affected the unity of the church and it has continue to be a major stronghold of the devil in ensnaring the church.
The Bible admonished every believer to resist the devil and he will flee from you, therefore the Bible have given us a straightforward manual on how to fight spiritual battles and come out successful from them. For the fact that offenses must come is one reason for us to demonstrate our supremacy to the devil, like in the case of Job the purpose of the devil afflicting him was to insight Job against God but yet Job realising the plans of the devil never allowed him to accomplish his purpose in his life.
Jesus stated boldly that the rulers of this world came and found nothing in him. Therefore what is that thing in your life that Satan will use to penetrate right into your life in other to ensnare you? Is it anger, lust, immorality, the love of money, hatred, unforgiveness, malice, argument, deceit, fraudulent practices, etc. I kindly urge you to drop them now and surrender your life to Jesus and live according to the instruction of the scripture and be free from all afflictions and diabolic sicknesses .
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TWITER: @oguh_john
Email: hyjohn1968@gmail.com
Nigeria, West Africa.
Published by hyjohn1968
Iam an E-Commerce Consultant and Social Marketers, I am into product marketing and training. View all posts by hyjohn1968
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